Refund Policies
Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.
Learn to Skate/Play
If there are reasons that after registration is completed and the season has started that your player needs to withdraw from their team or the program, then any refund or prorating of fees will have to be agreed on by the Executive Board. In that case, please reach out to to discuss a refund of fees.
Little Penguins Learn to Play
If there are reasons that after registration is completed and the season has started that your player needs to withdraw from their team or the program, then any refund or prorating of fees will have to be agreed on by the Executive Board. In that case, please reach out to to discuss a refund of fees.
Mite to Squirt Transition Camp
Please contact with questions.
Morgantown Mohawks
There is a NONREFUNDABLE $125 tryout fee charged when you register for tryouts. If you are offered a spot on a team and accept the offer, then that $125 is credited back towards your fees in the form of a discount code to be used for the season during registration. If you are offered a spot on a team and decline that offer, then the $125 will be forfeited to Morgantown Hockey Association. If there are reasons that after registration is completed and the season has started that your player needs to withdraw from their team or the program, then any refund or prorating of fees will have to be agreed on by the Executive Board. In that case, please reach out to to discuss a refund of fees.
Skill Development Programs
If there are reasons that after registration is completed and the season has started that your player needs to withdraw from their team or the program, then any refund or prorating of fees will have to be agreed on by the Executive Board. In that case, please reach out to to discuss a refund of fees.
Try Hockey Free
If there are reasons that after registration is completed and the season has started that your player needs to withdraw from their team or the program, then any refund or prorating of fees will have to be agreed on by the Executive Board. In that case, please reach out to to discuss a refund of fees.
Tryout Information