Equipment Checklists, Fit, and Dressing

Click the button below for a detailed fit guide for properly sizing equipment.

Click on equipment checklist images below to link to more information about each piece of equipment.
Listed below is a full equipment list for a young goal tender.

Time to get Dressed

Are you still unsure of what to do once you do have all the equipment? The lists above are organized by dressing order. The first couple of times getting dressed may seem cumbersome and lengthy, but with practice it can be accomplished in under ten minutes. Below are How-to videos that will help show you how to put on your player/goalie gear in the proper order.

Options for Discounted Gear

MHA offers head to toe equipment rental for members for only $50 per season! The option for rental will show up when you register. Also, MHA has a Facebook Page for families to buy/sell/trade gently used/new equipment. Link to FB page below.
Additional places that sell used/new gear at discounted prices are Play it Again Sports, Sidelineswap, etc.
Second-hand equipment is usually “buyers beware” and equipment like helmets should not be used unless they have the stamp of the HECC (Hockey Equipment Certification Council Inc). The USA Hockey Junior Rule Book states “USA Hockey strongly recommends that all players and goalkeepers in all age classifications wear an internal mouthpiece, a HECC approved helmet and a HECC approved full face mask for all games and practices.”

Information about Helmets and Neck Guards

Time to Play

Skates need to be sharpened regularly. The length of time between sharpening is personal preference, but a parent can tell if a skate is dull by scraping the top of their fingernail over an edge. If the blade does not scrape the nail it is definitely time for sharpening. Most arenas and local hockey shops have skate sharpening services for a nominal fee.
There are some items that are not necessary equipment but are handy to have in the hockey bag. A rag to dry your skates will help prevent rust, and skate guards will protect the blades and your other equipment. A helmet fix-it kit is a good emergency precaution, as helmet screws and straps do go missing and your child will not be able to take to the ice without the repairs.