Fundraising Opportunities

Association-Wide Fundraising

Enroll your Kroger Plus Card in the Kroger Community Rewards Program and MHA earns MONEY!
Morgantown Hockey Association is now participating in the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Kroger Community Rewards makes fund-raising easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card, and our organization will earn money! As a Kroger customer, you can now begin enrolling online. Just go to to begin.
Our assigned NPO number is TJ342.
Please join FlipGive by clicking HERE. You can also send this link to family and friends who want to support our team.
MHA has set up FlipGive for all the teams in the association this year as a way to earn funds for our team accounts to offset tournament costs.

Team Fundraising

Occasionally, teams may wish to do their own fundraising. This is certainly acceptable, however, individual team fundraising requires approval by the chairman of the Fund Raising Committee to ensure that the activity is consistent with the mission and goals of MHA and does not conflict with the Association's other fundraising programs.
Note: Any "refund of credit" requests cannot exceed the amount of money paid out-of-pocket for the family's present season's fees.

Family Fundraising

MHA offers several fundraising options for our families to help reduce their out of pocket expenses (registration fees, tournament costs, etc). These include Sodexo Athletics Concessions (below), Team Sponsorships (below), and Team Fundraising (above).
MHA families may earn credit toward their MHA accounts by volunteering to sell concessions at WVU sporting events.
MHA families may obtain sponsorships from family members, employers or local businesses. As an additional incentive for going out and soliciting a team sponsorship, a family may request that an portion of the sponsorship money (any amount from 0% to 50% of the sponsorship money*) be credited directly towards the family's MHA fees.

For more information about fundraising, contact: