Learn to Skate/Play

Learn to Skate: Want to ice skate, but don't know how? Here is where you start. Learn to skate is meant to build confidence and basic skills ice skating. This program is designed as the first step for children interested in anything ice related (ice hockey, figure skating, etc.). Participants are required to wear a helmet and skates for this program.

Learn to Play: This program is for children who have completed Learn to Skate (or other development programs). Learn the basics of hockey in this fun program taught by USA Hockey certified coaches. Registration costs include rental of head-to-toe equipment! Learn to Play is offered by MHA as an introductory program. Its purpose is to give basic introduction to skating and hockey. It is a chance for players to "learn to play" and determine if they want to continue with other programming that MHA offers such as Little Penguins, Skills Development, travel hockey (Blades), etc.

3 Sessions of each program offered this season! Players may register for multiple sessions.

Session 1: Sundays at 11:45 am (9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, 10/13, 10/20)

Session 2: Sundays, time TBA (11/10, 11/17, 11/24, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15)

Session 3: Saturday/Sunday mornings time TBA (12/22, 1/4, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2)

Learn to Skate $50

Learn to Play $75


Chris Schmoldt

Coaching Director


Perfect for children ages 3-12.


Sundays time TBA

(see above for exact dates)


Morgantown Ice Rink

1001 Mississippi St.

Morgantown, WV 26505



Learn to Skate sessions last 30 minutes each, learn to play sessions last one hour each. Be sure to give your skater plenty of time to get dressed prior to practice. If you're new to hockey and need help dressing your player, visit our parents resources pages HERE.

2023-2024 Season

Learn the basic of hockey in this fun program taught by USA Hockey certified coaches. Perfect for children ages 3-12, registration costs include rental of head to toe equipment!

Please note, you will need your 2023-2024 USA Hockey number to be able to register your player. Please visit https://membership.usahockey.com/ to sign up. 


Learn the basic of hockey in this fun program taught by USA Hockey certified coaches. Perfect for children ages 3-12, registration costs include rental of head to toe equipment!

Please note, you will need your 2024-2025 USA Hockey number to be able to register your player. Please visit https://membership.usahockey.com/ to sign up. 

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