ImPACT Testing

Each year MHA pays for concussion baseline testing for our minor athletes. This is highly recommended for all 12 year olds and up. We have had players with, thankfully, minor injuries where this data was helpful in diagnosing, treating, and recovering from injury.

ImPACT (immediate post-concussion assessment and cognitive testing) is a computerized pre-assessment. The assessment takes approximately twenty minutes to complete by answering a series of questions on a computer. The ImPACT assessment should be conducted every 2 years to ensure it will provide an accurate baseline picture that can be used in diagnosing injury.

You can click on the link to sign up on Sign Up Genius for an available appointment. The appointments are at the WVU Medicine University Town Center location. Jon Kline will be the person assisting with the testing.

Please ask any of the coaches about any questions you may have. Kim Walker, MHA SafeSport Director, is the MHA board representative leading the coordination of the appointments. She can be reached to answer questions as well.